Bingo&BeerGiesinger Stehausschankhosted by Der Kaiser von Doo Dah | Odd Wednesday Music Bingo Holzwurm Pub hosted by Der Kaiser von Doo Dah |
Termine: jeder ungerade Mittwoch im Monat (1., 3., 5., 7., 9., 11., ...25,. 27., 29., 31.) like this page to get FB events | |
ab 20:20h | ab 20:37h |
Giesinger Bräu - Stehausschank Martin-Luther-Strasse 2 81539 München | Holzwurm-Pub Scheidplatz 1a 80804 München |
Forget Grandmas Bingo - this is Music Bingo Night fun! Get your little brainy cells to your ear and think twice what you hear. Nice Prices from Kasten Beer to beloved Piece of Schrott! The Bingo Card contains 25 Fields of Music Stuff. Make a note for each Title match, or color, or ABBA, or Elvis, or, or.... Five in a row - B.I.N.G.O !! | Turbo-Bingo One Song - cross them all The meddley that speeds you up Music-Quizz for the experienced Connaisseur get your friends with you for a collection of songs of this night and get the original Artists, Title, Year or just know the mystery LP Cover |
Victory List Bingo&Beer | Victory ListOdd Wednesday |